I know I'm a little late, but I wanted to talk a little bit about Minecraft, which has now hit 10 years.
Back in 2013 - 2016 I was a huge fan of Minecraft, the You Tubers, the servers, everything. I even made comics of Minecraft using original characters... they weren't good, but they were fun. Around 2016 I stopped playing, as it became an incredibly hated game, which was crap, because I still really liked the game. One of my favourite Minecraft memories is of InTheLittleWoods' Minecraft Christmas ADVENTure, because it was some friends playing a game and having some banter at Christmas time; my favourite time of year.
I also love the fact that Minecraft had so many educational and mentally beneficial aspects to it that really helped bring people together AND teach students USEFUL stuff... unlike everything ELSE the school system teaches kids.
Anyway, once Minecraft got its resurgence, after all the kids moved to Fortnite* I was right on board to play it again. It took me an hour or so, but I finally go back into the swing of the game.
*I want to just establish I have no problems with Fortnite, or the people who play it, I'm just echoing what others have said. I also don't mind the 'toxic' kids who play Minecraft or Fortnite, unless they are being legitimately harmful, otherwise, let kids have fun, I mean... everyone was a dumb kid who made stupid stuff at one point... I still am.
Anyway, to end my post... Happy 10th Anniversary, Minecraft. I hope to have many more years of building and mining.
Thank you and Goodbye.